Total objects: 72
Super clue: no
Used words: Army Men, Banjo, Barbed Wire, Beach Painting, Bicycle, Bird's Nest, Border Collie, Branding Iron, Broken Chair, Broken Fence, Broom, Bullfrog, Canvas Umbrella, Chicken, Chimney, Clothes Line, Clothes Pin, Dragonfly, Dried Wreath, Flower Planter, Flyswatter, Gas Can, Ghosts, Glass Bottles, Hand Hoe, Harmonica, Hay Bale, Hubcap, Ice Hook, Icebox, Kerosene Lamp, Knapsack, Lasso, Manhole Cover, Mason Jar, Milk Carton, Money Stack, Mustard Plant, Old Sofa, Overalls, Painting of Cows, Paiting of Birds, Pheasant, Picnic Basket, Picnic Table, Pitchfork, Plow Tines, Possum, Propeller, Rake, Rattlesnake, Recruiting Poster, Rusted Chassis, Rusted Radiator, Rusted Spokes, Slingshot, Soda Bottle, Spanish Moss, Spring, Sun Tea, Swing, Telephone Pole, Tomato Plant, Tractor Wheel, Trough, Washboard, Water Pump, Wind Chimes, Wire Cutter, Wooden Bucket, Wringer Washer, Yoke