Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > A Secret Past > On The Run
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 70
Super clue: no
Used words: Antenna, Ashtray, Banana, Baseball Bat, Blue Lamp, Boots, Bouillon Cubes, Bread Slice, Briefcase, Calendar, Camera, Cards, Cat, Cigar, Cigarettes, Coin, Cracked Plate, Dice, Dirty Sock, Dog, Fan, Five, Flashlight, Fork, Golf Club, Hand Print, Hat, Heart, Hooks, Knife, Light Switch, Lime, Magazine, Matchbox, Motel Sign, Mouse, Napkin, Newspaper, Notepad, Pear, Pen, Phone Book, Powder Compact, Purse, Raven, Roach, Robe, Rope, Scissors, Screwdrivers, Shotglass, Shovel, Slippers, Socket, Spider, Spoon, Stamp, Street Lamp, Take-out Box, Tape, Telephone, Tie, Tin Cup, Towel, Vase, Wallet, Watch, Whiskey Bottle, Wine Bottle, Yo-yo
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