Total objects: 73
Super clue: no
Used words: Aardvarks, Armchair, Axe, Backpack, Bag, Bananas, Bangle, Basket, Beads, Beer, Bell, Belt, Binoculars, Boat, Book, Bowl, Bricks, Brush, Bushbaby, Chimp, Cloth, Coal, Crocodiles, Cup, Dagger, Diagram, Dog, Doll, Dried Leaves, Fan, Flashlight, Flock of Birds, Fox, Grasshopper, Hat, Hay, Headrest, Hen, Horn, Horse, Ladle, Lizard, Lute, Mangoes, Map, Mask, Millets, Millipede, Mortar and Pestle, Mouse, Mule, Necklace, Nest, Net, Oil Drum, Osprey, Painting, Pendant, Percussion Instrument, Pipe, Ram, Rice, Rope, Sandals, Scorpion, Seashell, Skull, Snake, Spider, Tent, Tires, Tortoise, Water Canteen