Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > Fight of Garuda > Yangon Hotel
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 72
Super clue: no
Used words: Balloon, Bathrobe, Beach Bag, Bowl of Noodles, Bowl of Soup, Briefcase, Butterfly, Candle, Cane, Cat, Champagne Bottle, Champagne Flute, Cigar, Coaster, Coconuts, Corkscrew, Crab, Cracked Tile, Crane, Decanter, Dessert, Dove, Dry Palm Leaf, Fairy Lights, Fern, Footstool, Frog, Golden Basket, Golden Tile, Goldfish, Guitar, Hat, Keycard, Ladder, Laptop, Lhasa Apso, Lilies, Lotus, Monkey, Moon, Napkin, Necklace, Newspaper, Orchids, Parasol, Partridge, Peacock, Pocket Mirror, Pool Float, Postcard, Prawns, Puddle, Python, Rice, Rose, Sandals, Shield, Shirt, Smartphone, Sugar Cubes, Sugar Tongs, Sun, Sunglasses, Sword, Tassel, Tea Set, Tulips, Wallet, White Pillow, Windchimes, Wooden Tray, Wooden Trellis
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