Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > Ophidian Lair > Ophidian Office
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 71
Super clue: no
Used words: Aquarium, Ash Tray, Atom, Barcode, Bird, Blimp, Blue Light, Books, Bottle, Briefcase, Butterfly, Cat, CCTV, Cellphone, Cigar, Clipboard, Clock, Coat Rack, Compact Disc, Dog, Fire Extinguisher, Flower, Fountain, Giant Lava Lamp, Glasses, Gloves, Goblet, Gramophone, Green Light, Gun, Hat, Hazard, I.D, Keys, Lamp, Medusa, Microphone, Mug, Painting, Paper Ball, Paper Clamps, Pen Holder, Pencil, Post it, Purple Vase, Rat, Red Book, Red Light, Red Line, Remote, Robot, Rubik Cube, Rug, Shield, Sissors, Smoke Alarm, Snake, Spanner, Spider, Stain, Statue, Stool, Switch, Sword, Vent, Walking Stick, Watch, Water Can, Web Cam, Whiskey, White Vases
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