Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > Ophidian Lair > Ophidian Vault
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 65
Super clue: no
Used words: Air Tank, Amphora, Ark Of The Covenant, Blue Tarp, Bucket, Chain, Coiled Rope, Crystal Skull, Duct, Easter Island Head, Electric Box, Fighter Plane, Fork Lift, Fossil, Fragile, Freize, Giant Buddha, Golden Angel, Green Light, Hooks, Lab Coat, Ladder, Laser Beam, Lever, Lizard, Long Boat, Mayan Calender, Metal Box, Ming Vase, Mop, Mouse, Necklace, Net, Orange Cable, Orange Control Box, Painting, Rage, Red Light, Red Safety Helmet, Rosetta Stone, Rust, Safety Harness, Safety Vest, Sarcophagus, Seated Buddha, Snake, Spark, Spear Of Destiny, Steam, Terracotta Warriors, Tool Box, Torch Light, Totempole, Trident, Trolley, UFO, Valve, Voodoo Doll, Warning Sign, Wooden Crate, Wooden Pallet, Wrench, Yellow Light, Yellow Safety Helmet, Yellow Tape
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