Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > Prague > Charles Bridge
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 75
Super clue: no
Used words: Anchor, Backpack, Ballet, Balloons, Beads, Bench, Bird Silhouette, Black Cat, Blanket, Blue Light, Boat, Bongos, Butterfly, Candles, Cane, Chain, Chalks, Cotton Candy, Crown, Crumpled Paper, Cupcakes, Cushion, Cymbals, Director's Chair, Drain Pipe, Eiffel Tower, Feather Boa, Fishing Rod, Flashlight, Football, German Shepherd, Guitar, Hanging Flowers, Heart, Hopscotch, Horn, Hotdog, Kite, Ladder, Lantern, Life Preserver, Manhole, Mappet, Masks, Moth, Motorbike, No Fishing Sign, Pen Knife, Petals, Picnic Basket, Pin-wheel, Pipe, Portrait, Puppet House, Puppy, Raincoat, Recycle, Roller Skates, Rope, Rose, Rubber Boots, Russian Dolls, Sandwich, Saxophone, Shoulder Bag, Skate Board, Sneakers, Soda Can, Streamers, Trash Bin, Truck, Umbrella, Valve, Wheel Barrow, Wreath
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