Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > Titanic part 1 > Titanic Departure
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 72
Super clue: no
Used words: Airplane, Balloons, Baseball, Basket, Beach Towel, Bell, Bicycle, Blue Bird, Blue Suitcase, Books, Bowler Hat, Briefcase, Broken Beam, Cane, Captain's Hat, Cat, Chain, Champagne Bottle, Champagne Glass, Chest, Cigar, Coin, Confetti, Crane, Crank Handle, Doll, Dragon Fly, Fishing Pole, Flag, Flock of Birds, Folded Chair, Gear, Hand Kerchief, Hand Mirror, Heart, Hindenberg, Horse, Ice Bucket, Ice Skates, Ladder, Life Jacket, Life Preserver, Lobster, Milk Truck, Moon, Necklace, Oar, Open Door, Pocket Watch, Port Hole, Poster, Puffin, Purse, Roses, Satchel, Seagull, Ship's Wheel, Silver Platter, Sketchbook, Sparrow, Spider, Sun, Telescope, Tree, Violin, Wagon, White Bow, White Scarf, White Star, Wooden Barrel, Wrench, X
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