Hidden Chronicles

Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 75
Super clue: no
Used words: 'Titanic', Anchor, Angel, Aurora Borealis, Basket, Bell, Big Dipper, Bird Cage, Book, Boots, Broken Wood Plank, Cane, Cap, Cat, Chair, Crown, Diamond, Dog, Doll, Ear Muffs, Empty Bottle, First Aid Kit, Fish, Fish Net, Flag, Flask, Fur Stole, Geese, Glass Net Floats, Gold Ring, Grappling Hook, Hat Box, Heart, Ice Block, Ladder, Lantern, Life Preserver, Matchbox, Megaphone, Metal Bucket, Mirror, Monocle, Moon, Mouse, Narwhal, Oar, Pipe, Pocket Knife, Pocket Watch, Polar Bear, Propeller, Puffin, Red Star, Rope, Rose, Scarf, Seal, Seaweed, Sextant, Shark, Shooting Star, Sinking Lifeboat, Skull, SOS, Suitcase, Sweater, Teapot, Teddy Bear, Top Hat, Violin, Whale, Wine Bottle, Wooden Barrel, Wooden Bucket, Wreath
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