Hidden Chronicles

Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 72
Super clue: Level Scale
Used words: Ashtray, Axe, Bandit Mask, Bicycle, Binoculars, Bolts, Bomb, Bow Tie, Briefcase, Broken Glass, Bullets, Camera, Cane, Chalk, Chisel, Cigar, Clamp, Coins, Cork Screw, Crowbar, Crumb Brush, Deck of Cards, Drill, Drillbit, Duffel Bug, Dynamite, Fingerprint, Flashlight, Gold Watch, Grappling Hook, Guitar Case, Hacksaw, Hammer, Hand Mirror, Headphones, Knife, Leather Gloves, Leather Jacket, Magazine, Metal Clip, Microphone, Military Boots, Model Car, Mustache, Padlock, Passport, Pen, Pigeon, Piggy Bank, Pistol, Plane, Plane Ticket, Purse, Pushpin, Radio, Ransom Note, Rat, Record, Rifle, Roll of Tape, Stethoscope, Sunglasses, Tape Recorder, Tarantula, Telescope, Tin Canisters, Tinsnips, Train, Tweezers, Wallet, Wanted Poster, World Map
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