Hidden Chronicles

Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 71
Super clue: Catalog Approval
Used words: Ashtray, Balls, Bathysphere, Biplane, Bookmark, Brass Button, Bridge, Briefcase, Bus, Cactus, Cane, Checkered Board, Cherry Blossom, Chinese Lantern, Chocolate Donut, Coffee, Corkscrew, Cow, Dagger, Desk Lamp, Dinosaur, Dog Sled, Dragon, Dumbell, Egyptian Mask, Envelope, Eyeglasses, Fountain Pen, French Flag, Fruit Bowl, Gargoyle, Gladiolus, Globe, Handkerchief, Hat, Indian, Inkwell, Isis, Italian Flag, Jigsaw, Katana, Large Ring, Large Vase, Letter Opener, Macaw, Matterhorn, Moroccan Platter, Oblisk, Pipe, Pocket Knife, Radio, Shamrock, Skull, Spoon, Stack of Books, Stagecoach, Steam Train, Swedish Clock, Swedish Flag, Tamoshater, Telephone, Thermometer, Tibetan Temple, Tie Clip, Umbrella, Vest, Wall Lamp, Wallet, Windmill, Wooden Shoes, Zeppelin
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