Total objects: 75
Super clue: no
Used words: Anchor, Angel, Antenna, Binoculars, Bird Bath, Blue Sail, Boots, Butterfly, Cat, Caterpillar, Cigarettes, Compass Rose, Deck of Cards, Dog, Dragon, Dragonfly, Drum, Duck, Earring, Elephant, Falcon, Fan, Fox, Frog, Gloves, Gold Coins, Gondola, Guitar, Handbag, Hat, Hedgehog, Horse, Hot Air Balloon, Ice Box, Isis, Koi Fish, Ladybug, Lantern, Letter, Life Ring, Lighter, Magnifier, Map, Mask, Mayan Headdress, Moth, Nautilus, Om, Painting, Passport, Pot, Quiver, Scarf, Seagull, Seaplane, Seated Buddha, Slippers, Smoking Pipe, Snail, Sparrow, Spear, Starfish, String of Lights, Switchblade, Sword, Vase, Wallet, Watch, Wheel, White Orchid, Wind Chime, Windmill, Wine Bottle, Wine Glass, Wine Spill