Total objects: 79
Super clue: no
Used words: Apple, Artichoke, Bag of Potatoes, Bag of Seeds, Bags of Produce, Bandana, Basket, Beehive, Bicycle, Biplane, Branch, Butterfly, Cabbage, Carrots, Cash Box, Caterpillar, Chalkboard, Chicken, Chives, Crescent Moon, Dog, Eggs, Farm Sign, Flask, Garden Hose, Gas Can, Gear Wheel, Gopher, Grapes, Greens, Guitar, Hammer, Hub Cap, Hula Girl, Hummingbird, License Plate, Mason Jar, Melon, Milk Can, Mobile Phone, Mouse, Nail, Peaches, Pears, Peas, Pepper, Pineapple, Pitchfork, Pocketknife, Polka Dots, Pumpkin, Quilt, Radio, Ranch Sign, Red Flowers, Red Radishes, Rhubarb, Scarecrow, Shovel, Snail, Soda, Spider Web, Stag, Straw Bale, Straw Hat, Sunflower, Thermometer, Thistle, Toad, Tomatoes, Twine, UFO, Water Bottle, Watermelon, White Radishes, Work Boots, Work Gloves, Worm, Yellow Ribbon