Total objects: 70
Super clue: no
Used words: Apple, Axe, Badger, Bag, Barrel, Bat, Blue Stone, Boat, Book, Broom, Bucket, Candle, Cat, Cauldron, Chimes, Cloth, Cobweb, Crypt dirt, Dragonfly, Eyeball, Eyes, Face, Firewood, Flower, Footprint, Fox, Fur, Garlic, Hand, Hat, Horse, Jack Rabbit, Jar, Ladder, Laddle, Lantern, Lizard, Mortar and Pestle, Moth, Orb, Owl, Paper, Piles of Leaves, Pumpkin, Rat, Rattle Snake, Raven, Red Mushroom, Rope, Runes, Shoes, Skull, Slime, Smoke, Snail, Spider, Squirrel, Staff, Stag, Stump, Tail, Toad, Tombstone, Tortoise Shell, Twig, Voodoo Doll, Vulture, Well, White Mushroom, Window