Hidden Chronicles

Home > Grounds > Abandoned Furniture Factory > Old Furniture Factory
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 70
Super clue: no
Used words: Adze, Airplane, Ant, Apron, Baseball, Battery, Beer Bottle, Black Widow, Blueprint, Book, Brochure, Bucket, Bulb, Carpenter's Square, Chair, Chalk, Chisel, Electrical Box, Extension Cord, Faucet, File, Funnel, Glasses, Glove, Glue, Goggles, Hammer, Hand Saw, Hard Hat, Hooks, Insulation Tape, Keys, Lathe, Lunch Box, Magnet, Magnifier, Mop, Nails, Nest, Newspaper, Nut and Bolt, Oil Can, Padlock, Paint Brush, Paint Can, Pencil, Phone, Power Drill, Power Saw, Radio, Rag, Ruler, Safe, Sandpaper, Sawhorse, Scissors, Shoe, Spider Web, Spirit Level, Step Ladder, Swallow, Table Leg, Tabletop, Tape Measure, Thermos, Tool Belt, Torch, Triangle, Wishbone, Wood Shavings
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