Total objects: 45
Super clue: no
Used words: Ant Trail, Bent Fender, Bird's Nest, Blimp, Blueprint, Brick Pile, Bucket, Caboose, Cement Bags, Construction Cone, Cows, Dead Tree, Dog, Drainage Pipe, Empty Cans, Envelope, Feather, Fence, Fish, Flask, Fork, Framed Building, Frog, Frying Pan, Hard Hat, Hay Bales, Hubcap, Lunch Sack, Old Boot, Pickaxe, Pile of Dirt, Railroad, Rain Cloud, Red Brick, Red Poison Oak, Rolled Magazine, Sleeping Bag, Stack of Wood, Stick Dam, Tent Stake, Toothbrush, Tractor, Windmill, Windsock, Work Gloves