Total objects: 75
Super clue: no
Used words: Amulet, Ballpoint Pen, Beret, Blowpipe, Blueprints, Book, Boots, Broken Glass, Bullets, Cane, Cat, Checkbook, Coin Bag, Compass, Crowbar, Cuckoo Clock, Cushion, Dagger, Dartboard, Darts, Dice, Dividers, Dog, Dynamite, Electric Cord, Fedora, Film Roll, Gecko, Ham Radio, Hammer, Handprints, Hourglass, House of Cards, Jolly Roger, Key, Leather Gloves, Lipstick, Lock, Loose Brick, Machine Gun, Mask, Moth, Movie Reel, Newspaper, Notepad, Ophidian Symbol, Overcoat, Pendulum, Perfume, Pistol, Poison, Poker Chips, Ruler, Scroll, Serpent, Six, Spider, Stone Tablet, Sundial, Sunglasses, Sword, Telephone, Tic Tac Toe, Toad, Tomato Juice, Velvet Gloves, Wads of Cash, Wallet, Watter Clock, Wheel, Wine Bottle, Wine Glasses, Wooden Idol, World Map, Zodiac Wheel