Total objects: 72
Super clue: no
Used words: Antique Dagger, Anubis, Ashtray, Bear, Bell, Brooch, Brush, Buddha, Burglar's Toolkit, Bust, Candelabra, Cane, Chalice, Chest, Clock, Coat of Arms, Cobweb, Cognac Bottle, Cognac Glass, Coins, Dog, Elephant, Embers, Envelope, Fan, Firewood, Glass Circle, Glass Cutter, Globe, Gramophone, Helmet, Inkwell, Lace, Lighter, Lion, Loafers, Longbow, Magnifying Glass, Muffler, Musket, Oil Lamp, Orchids, Paperweight, Pearl Necklace, Pen, Pile of Old Papers, Pipe, Pocket Watch, Poker, Python, Reading Glasses, Scepter, Scroll, Sextant, Ship in a Bottle, Sitar, Skull, Sphinx, Stained Glass Lamp, Stepladder, Suit of Armor, Sword, Tapestry, Teapot, Telephone, Telescope, Thumbprint, Tiger, Top Hat, Tribal Mask, Urn, Violin