Total objects: 76
Super clue: Repair Wine Glass
Used words: Anchor, Ball of Yarn, Berries, Bone Jewelry, Books, Bricks, Broken Branch, Broken Mirror, Broom, Burned Paper, Cage, Cajun Food, Cajun Spice, Cane, Cat, Chair, Charcoal Sticks, Cherub, Chili Peppers, Clarinet, Clock, Clover, Cobra, Cockroach, Creole Doll, Crystal Globe, Deck of Cards, Domino, Dream Catcher, Eyeball, Firetruck, Fishhook, Gnome, Grave Tracing, Handprint, Hanging Flower Pot, Hat, Horn, Horseshoe, Hurricane Glass, Incense Bundle, Ladder, Lamp Shade, Lightning, Lock of Hair, Long Fingernails, Love Potion, Moth, Mummy Hand, Mushrooms, Necklace, Old Bottle, Painting, Peacock Feather, Pig, Pipe, Plain Skull, Porcelain Doll, Pushpins, Pyramid, Rooster, Rose, Shell, Shrunken Head, Snake Eyes, Stationery, Symbol for Do Not, Tarantula, Telescope, Toad, Tribal Design, Tribal Mask, Unlit Candle, Urn, Voodoo Doll, Wishbone