Total objects: 72
Super clue: Fire Cannon
Used words: Alarm, Axe, Baguette, Bandage, Basket, Bayonet, Bear, Belt, Biscuits, Broken Frame, Broken Wagon Wheel, Bundle of Letters, Button, Cannonball, Carrier Pigeon, Cheese, Chopped Wood, Coffee, Cooking Pot, Crow, Drum, Feather, Felt Boots, Flag, Flask, Flint and Steel, Flour, Flower, Flute, Folding Razor, Fox, Glove, Hand Mirror, Haystack, Horn, Horse, Horseshoe, Icicles, Jackboot, Jade Ring, Knapsack, Lace Cuff, Leather Bag, Map, Musket, Musket Balls, Napoleonic Hat, Officer's Coat, Ornate Sword, Pickax, Pistol, Primitive Trap, Rabbit, Ramrod, Russian Eagle, Saddle, Saddle Blanket, Scabbard, Scarf, Snaffle Bit, Snowshoes, Sock, Spoon, Spur, Stirrup, Tar, Tea, Tin Cup, Wax Seal, Whip, Wooden Shovel, Writing Paper