Total objects: 67
Super clue: Mail Letter
Used words: Amulet, Baseball Card Collection, Basket, Bolt, Box of Tissues, Broken Light, Car Jack, Car Polish, Chain, Clipboard, Coat Hook, Comb, Crowbar, Cufflinks, Dog, Dog Bowl, Dress Shoes, Duckie, Eyepatch, Fire Hydrant, Fishing Lure, Fishing Rod, Flag, Flat Tire, Folded Pants, Footprints, Fox, Green Apple, Handkerchief, Hat, Jewelry Case, Knife, Ladybug, Leather Gloves, Lit Brake Light, Lizard, Magnifying Glass, Marbles, Monkey, Mosquito, Mustache, Overcoat, Pajamas, Radio, Rainbow, Rearview Mirror, Rust Hole, Shoe Polish, Silk Cloth, Sleeping Bag, Socks, Sponge, Spool of Twine, Striped Bag, Tie, Tiepin, Tin Can, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Tortoise, Towel, Tumbleweed, Wren, Wrinkled Shirt, Wrinkled Tarp, Wrist Watch, Yo-yo