Total objects: 75
Super clue: Frame Painting
Used words: Ascot, Bear, Books, Boot, Box, Brazier, Cat, Cheese Wedge, Clock, Comb, Compass, Corn, Crab, Domino, Drawer Handle, Egg, Feathers, Gourd, Grapes, Handkerchief, Hatpin, Hourglass, Ink and Quill, Knife, Lace, Lamp, Lavender, Lizard, Marbles, Medicine Bottle, Ming Vase, Mirror, Monkey, Monocle, Moth, Mouse, Nest, Oak Leaf, Opera Glasses, Orange, Owl, Palette Knife, Pepper Grinder, Pineapple, Pitcher, Playing Cards, Plum, Pocket Watch, Rabbit Foot, Saltceller, Scissors, Shell, Ship, Silver Frame, Silver Matchbox, Skull, Slice of Bread, Spats, Spoon, Spyglass, Stained Glass, Sun, Top Hat, Toy, Truffle, Tube, Turtle Shell, Valentine, Walking Stick, Walnut, Watermelon, Wax Seal, White Gloves, Wicker Bottle, Wineglass